Saturday, 24 November 2012

News Shared

parliamentary information office: Many who are given knighthoods for services to charities are given the award because their company used the opportunity to offset their taxes against giving. RBS is a classic.
Others are simply figureheads for "charities" and give nothing themselves apart from attending a few galas
Who was the last real  "philanthropist" given an award in the UK?

parliamentary information office: No doubt in my mind that over the years the Honours system holds less and less in value and meaning and if someone has Sir in front of their name then it means skid all. The days of defference and respect are long over.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Election News

Parliamentary Yearbook Online: News about voter

Parliamentary Yearbook Online: Analysis shared as in video, discussion.

Parliamentary Yearbook Online: Opinions shared.

Online Parliamentary Information Office Shares more.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Expert Advice

parliamentary information office: It really does beggar belief that this country has no money left yet we are  borrowing it to give to India. Don't worry that the  money that we give is to nations who clearly hate us. Yet the money could have gone on Tuition Fees, care for the elderly etc

Indias population was 350 million when the British left and the current population is 1.21 billion and the population is expected to go past china.

And there lies the problem.

I'll give India advice for nothing which will help them and save Britain money. Tell your use a condom, you can't *** you're way out of poverty

If India was a proper proud nation they would be embarrassed about taking our money.

parliamentary information office: Dear god what have we done to deserve these Fcukwits thrust upon us, To  travel around this country and see areas crying out for investment , Instead we are screwed to the hilt by these chattering fudgepackers and chronic arselickers that are the political elite in this non democracy!

parliamentary information office: But if we are out of the EU won't we need to cosy up to India and other BRIC countries?

parliamentary information office: British expertise on growth? Are you serious? God help India is all I can say.

If we have this expertise on growth why don't we try putting it to good use here?

More updates on parliamentary information office.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Discussion at Reality Show

parliamentary information office: I would love to see our political leaders (especially the EU ones) in the Jungle programme. I have not watched all the programmes but I thought very highly of Carol Thatcher who won one year - she had all the resilience and backbone that our present leaders do not seem to have. Have you noticed that the most far fetched laws are being passed at the moment - mostly against the will of the majority of the population and that we are being held hostage over being in the EU when we long to be free to choose our rulers and our laws. Maybe Nadine could have said "I am in the jungle, not in spite of being a Conservative but because I am a Conservative!" Then Cameron would have approved.

parliamentary information office:
In the end women are just narcissists, they can't resist the appeal of being the centre of attention no matter what it entails doing. Dorries will probably use her stint in the jungle to sound off on issues she thinks will resonate with the public and help her career.

parliamentary information office:
There are always two sides of every issue. What Cathy Newman reveals is that perhaps , there's" nothing wrong with this Nadine Corrine 's celebrity stunt . It's all about media exposure. And, It pays a lot of money: 63,738 pounds. 40,000 pound will be paid upfront. Dortine would be exposed to 16 million people who watch the program. The worst- case scenarios: It could raunchy or orgiastic about the show; just from a simple perspective and critical examination. Dorrine should be allowed to pocyet her fees. I'm a Celebrity is not as bad it's projected. The show must go on. Dortine should be Dorris. She's not emulating anybody. She's not folloeing anyone. She's outspoken, eccentric and photo opportunistic

parliamentary information office:
I expect Nadine Dorries will claim travel expenses and charge the trip to the taxpayer. She has form in that regard.

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Sunday, 4 November 2012

Fears from Chill Wind

parliamentary information office: "The latest tracking polls at the time
of writing show Mitt Romney marginally ahead"

How much Moroccan has this journo has been smoking?

Romney may from time to time have come out on top on national polls, but he has NEVER been ahead in any projection of the Electoral College, indeed apart from perhaps a week or so, he's barely managed to trouble 230 Electoral College votes.

Paddy Power has already paid out today on Obama, for pity's sake.

I always thought "Matthew d'Ancona" was merely David Cameron's nom de plume.  As Cameron isn't a total idiot, then I suppose that the Telegraph's typesetting department has simply put the wrong name to the article.  It had to be some sclerotic, partisan old Republican with the most tenuous grip on reality.

parliamentary information office: With state funded british broadcaster, the BBC producing and airing in the states a superpac advert, a total pro Obama political broadcast, along with its daily pro obama stance and comment on BBC America, as well as its web site, Obama all the way - the republicans are evil racists controlled by the Tea Party - the British government should not be suprised if a republican president gives them the cold shoulder

parliamentary information office: Romney wins by a landslide  all state internal polls show him winning blue states that the left wing media says he has no chance to win .The left is terrified as they should be.As for the UK and your politics-A tory is still a liberal here in the US.Does it really matter in a socialist nation like  the UK .Not much I WOULD SAY.You guys need to abandon socialism it is destroying all of Western Europe while Eastern Europe is embracing true representative government so they prosper.Elect Daniel Hannin or someone like him to President of  the UK and dissolve the EU before you fall into total depression and anarchy like Greece.Time is short Europe.


parliamentary information office: Unless the polls are consistently wrong Romney is going to lose.  He should be romping home of course; the US economy is terrible, Obama pulled a pretty big bait 'n' switch on his left wing support & has largely failed to live up to his initial promise.  The fact that Romney doesn't have this in the bag already just shows what a crap candidate he is.

I suppose when Obama wins this columnist will pen his "Good news for Cammers, incumbents can win even though they've made a complete hash of everything!" piece.  But Dave, unlike Obama, doesn't have the polls on his side.

One stop at parliamentary information office and meet the view of Parliamentary Discussion.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Information on Pension Changes

parliamentary information office: Pee off you troughing barstewards. You steal 67% ofour icome, waste it and steal the rest. The FSA chair was paid £800,000 basically to look the other way while Brown ruined banking legislation. That same ex PM then firehosed the state with excessive pensions, huge salary increases and bought another 2 million unnecessary jobs.

So no, we *can't*  work any harder. It doesn't make any difference to us except raising you more money to waste.

Stick it, thieving whelp. How about you do more with mmuch less, such as reducing your salary to £15,000 instead of £65K? Ah, what am I thinking! You'd just steal the rest from me anyway.

parliamentary information office: The value of pension pots will be whatever it will be. That hasn't changed. All they have done is changed the set of unrealistic assumptions of growth in pension pots to another set of unrealistic assumptions.

The only currently sensible option is to assume zero real growth and base your savings decisions on that. Keep a constant eye on your pot, especially as you near retirement.

parliamentary information office: What he is trying to say is that people will have to work longer in order to have a larger pension pot so that either the financial institutions can cream off even more money in fees or bad service to pay for their greedy lifestyles or governments can cream off money in stealth taxes on pensions to pay for their ineptitude...either way we get rogered

parliamentary information office: Unless of course you are an MP: these politicians retire early on a pension most of us cannot even dream about!

Yearbook Online - parliamentary information office

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Care Information

parliamentary information office

hospital trusts have been paid millions of pounds in recent years for hitting targets associated with use of the Liverpool care Pathway.

In some cases trusts have set goals explicitly requiring them to ensure that a set number of dying patients are placed on the pathway"

Who paid this money (names?) and which trusts (names?) set goals for numbers?

We ought to be told these things.

In any case of misuse, criminal penalties should follow - and all past cases should be investigated.

parliamentary information office

I have actually seen it referred to as 'passive euthanasia' by a senior clinician in a medical article hosted by a renowned UK institution, and frankly, it is a more honest and accurate description than calling it a 'care pathway'.

parliamentary information office

It appears to be a varied and variable practice, whose misapplication is only emphasised by terming it a 'Care Pathway.

parliamentary information office

It is not whether or not it is a good practice that is at issue, but why it is apparently not being applied correctly in accordance with its own terms.

parliamentary information office

There is something morally wrong with encouraging NHS Trusts to increase the number of patients receiving this so-called "care", it is tantamount to incitement to murder.
With this in mind, my wife and I have asked both our daughters to ensure that a second, independent, opinion is obtained should either of us have the misfortune to be seriously ill in hospital. There have been at least two cases reported in the press recently where the family of a "dying" patient on the "Care pathway" took action to have treatment restored, with the result that the patients were at home recovering within days. Two potential errors is two too many.

parliamentary information office

An even better article.

I would mention that 'passive euthanasia' isn't illegal in the UK. The problem appears to be that the LCP appears to be being used as a euphemism to cover instances when the procedure being applied would be more correctly termed 'passive euthanasia'.

As the article mentions, passive euthanasia and the LCP have different intentions. To make matters worse if the patient has been placed on the LCP then a signed document will exist confirming this, so there should never be any confusion between the two procedures.

Yearbook News

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