Thursday, 27 December 2012

About Scientists

Parliamentary Year book Online: The best scientists and potentially the best ones are already in the UK and in the EU, who do not need visas for  immigration.  All we need to do is to pay them better salaries. It is all very well for this pompous Osborne to say this whilst reportedly paying £5000 per month rent allowance for the next BOE governor-the Canadian.  Bankers get obscene salaries and a 22 year old working in the finance sector in the city earns 3 times as much as a young PhD in science.  It is reported recently that Osborne's treasury department has employed tens of civil servants for hefty salaries.

Parliamentary Year book Online: There are young academics and scientists with recent PhDs in proper subjects that are looking for jobs in this country, whilst languishing on dole and Mickey Mouse bar jobs.

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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Planning Permissions

Parliamentary Year book Online: If they were serious about getting more houses built they would do away with the counterproductive affordable housing policy.  Countless planning approvals remain unimplemented since with the affordable housing contribution there is no money in it.

Parliamentary Year book Online: The planning system favours those with the money to submit ever more complicated applications, the self-builders find it nigh on impossible to get to the spade stage.

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Saturday, 15 December 2012

Bill of Responsibilities

Parliamentary Year book Online: We don't need any more legislation on 'rights'. We have enough lawyers already arguing these issues at great cost to us, the taxpayers, What we need is a 'Bill of Responsibilities' that lays out clearly the duties each citizen/resident has to this country.

They know full well that EU member states are bound by the Lisbon Treaty to accept ECHR rulings, and Cameron has expressly ruled out leaving the EU. So as usual, it's a snappy sound bite to assert eurosceptic credentials that he simply doesn't possess.

They clearly recognise the problem, but it's open to us to recognise the solution: vote UKIP.

Online parliamentary information office  articles.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Low energy construction

Parliamentary Year book Online: Construction is a crucial sector for the UK and European economy, generating almost 10% of EU GDP and providing 20 million jobs, mainly in micro and small enterprises. Buildings' energy performance and resource efficiency in manufacturing, transport and the use of products to construct buildings and infrastructures have an important impact. This was the topic I wrote about in the Parliamentary Yearbook. I have now been asked to speak at the environmental conference next week and I shall include in my presentation a piece on the Parliamentary Yearbook and how proud we were to be asked to be a content partner. It was such a valuable tool in enhancing our standing with our contemporaries and indeed with potential clients.

Parliamentary Information Office aims to updates latest political updates to people.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Tax System

Parliamentary Year book Online: 
It isn't an obligation, it is legally extorted form companies under law. Law that has been changed over fifteen times.
All Starbucks and others are doing is making use of that law to limit their tax exposure - which is the right thing to do. Every penny saved is another job created.
But of course, Alexander doesn't see that. He just wants to hike taxes ever higher so he can continue spending.
It simply doesn't occur to him that the real problem is just that: state spending. 

Parliamentary Year book Online: 
What happened to the comments?
From PR spokesman for a bunch or trees to Chief secretary of the treasury.  Glad to know we have this man's expertise running the economy, along with the towel folder, we can all sleep sound at night!


Saturday, 8 December 2012

Families’ Pensions Information

Parliamentary Year book Online: Got an elderly relative with a large house and  a low income?  Mr Cameron wants your inheritance.  From 1st April, 100% council tax benefit will end.  If the householder can't pay, there'll be a Charge put on the property, repayable before anyone named in the Will.

Parliamentary Year book Online: Why doesn't the government just put 1p on income tax and have done with it. Instead it drags thousands more aspiring middle income families into the 40p tax band by having actually lowered this band by 8 pct in the last 2 years or around 13 pct in real terms if you take into account inflation. Once in this band income tax increases not by 1p but by a staggering 20p in the £ on the amount of any subsequent salary increases. It's not as though the 40p band only hits the 'rich'. Anybody on a fairly average white collar salary is already well into this band. The rate at which the 40p tax band now kicks in is now a scandal.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Are we losing the art of communication?

Simon Butler FISTC, Managing Director of AND Solutions Limited and President of the Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators, has had an editorial published in the latest edition of the Parliamentary Yearbook. Its title is “Are we losing the art of communication?” The ISTC encourages professional development and standards, research resources and networking opportunities for its members and industry affiliates, and promotes technical communication as a profession. The Parliamentary Yearbook is a perfect vehicle for getting their message across to a powerful and influential audience.

Parliamentary Information Office Online

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Price War at Mortgage Deal

Parliamentary Year book Online: A mortgage at 1.99% is 8 times the Bank of England rate. At 3.09% it's 12 times the bank of interest rate and a bit. With most of these new deals coming with an stanard variable rate of BoE rate +2% it's not such a great deal when the BOE rate hits 6%+

The banks have been handed loads of cheap money at the tax payers expense which they are then using to go one over on their customers, most of whom are taxpayers.

Parliamentary Year book Online: People should not be beholden to money lenders for twenty five year terms for the privilige of a home to call their own.

It is time for people to wake up to the reality that competing with one another to buy a nice house drives up prices and is not in the best interests of society.

It is in the best interests of money lenders. 

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